I think I'm a pretty damn good singer. WHOSE WITH ME!!!!! Bastards. I used to play saxaphone and still do, kinda. And I played bass for a while. But not anymore. I don't really stick to things. In a few months I will be playing the accordian for fat jewish women in England.(not a racist comment) And later I will take up deep sea diving. I guess I'm just not comitted to anything.

NAME: Evan Niedrauer

AGE: 14

INSTRUMENT: Vocals/funky, funky saxaphone.

FAV. MOVIES: Movies shmovies Matt! Movies shmovies!

FAV. BANDS: Pixies, Rage, Weezer, Smash Mouth(yes, you heard me right, SMASHMOUTH!!!)

LIKES MOST: Hanging out with my SUPER MODEL GIRLFRIEND(no not really)

DISLIKES MOST: Little bleached hair wannabe skater punk *@#$^$#%&!!!

FUTURE GOAL: Start an underground cult against the mass production of cantalope on a stick.